Friday, March 19, 2010

Give Paws a Chance

Recently I've been looking for an apartment. Yes, after three years of living on the third floor (what used to be the attic) of what used to be a very nice Victorian home but what is now best described as Pothouse Central for Responsibility Challenged Fortysomethings, I have finally decided I've had enough. I need more space. I need less stairs. I need to be able to walk into my home without getting high from second-hand cannabis fumes. This seems like a reasonable request to me.

But apparently reasonable does not translate into easily doable. So many nice place, the majority of which specify, usually in bolded, all-caps letters, NO DOGS! That brings me to my current frustration: what do you people have against dogs?? Dogs are friendly -- they're lovers, not fighters. The worst they can do is lick you to death.

Okay, so not all dogs are like that. But mine is! Indy is sweet and playful and harmless. Granted, she may get a little excited when she sees people she loves, like her grandparents or Helen Auntie, and she may jump up to say hi. But basically, she's a good puppy. I mean, how can you resist a face like this:

The overwhelming lack of tolerance for dogs leads me to believe that Burlington landlords have had consistent, serious problems with dog-owning tenants. And since behavior is not really a dog's fault, this leads me to have some very serious unresolved anger toward the mass of apparently stupid, irresponsible people out there who spoil it for the rest of us! [disclaimer: I aplogize to those who are smart and responsible and have simply been unfairly judged].

So, Burlington, if you're listening, take a chance on us!

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