Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tie Breaker

Well I noticed that I'd written 9 blog posts in 2009 and 9 in 2010, so I thought it was time for a tie breaker. Not that I necessarily have anything important to say.

At the moment I'm sitting in Barnes and Noble because, ever since my neighbors moved and disconnected their internet service, this is the only place I can consistently get online. Why don't you just get your own internet connection? one might ask. Ah, yes, that is a question for the ages, isn't it?

In the meantime, the booksellers and barristas here at B & N have come to recognize me on sight, and I fear first-name basis will be soon to follow. But Saturday night is a fascinating time to be here, I must say. Not like Friday night (see previous post: Friday Night Lights). No, it appears that Saturday is for the ultra cool -- people merely stopping at B & N on their way to somewhere bigger and better, like, oh say, a movie or bowling perhaps.

Tonight the Most Intriguing People Hanging Out in B & N on a Saturday Night Award goes to: four teenage boys to my right -- 15? 16? -- who are trying desperately to look like they are some of those people who have merely stopped here on their way to something better, but who, with the wave of a hand and a sheepish cut-away of the eyes, have just given away the ugly truth that they are, in fact, here with their mother. Clearly none of them can drive. But they are exhibiting the requisite I'm-not-here-for-the-books behavior: lots of espresso (very mature), non-fru-fru, "safe" cafe foods (bagels with cream cheese), four tables thrown together that make a perfect paper football playing field (no books in sight), and lots of looking around feigning boredom. My guess? Somebody thought this would be a great place to meet "mature" women. And in that case, they're in luck, because other than them and me, no one here is under the age of fifty. Score!

1 comment:

  1. You could put up some pictures of your black belt testing and discuss them...just a thought :D
